Sunday, February 15, 2009

Letters for Kids: Create a Memory To Last A Lifetime!

I wanted to do something that meant something. Confusing, isn't it?! However, it is so true. I wanted a business. I wanted to enjoy waking up every morning, working from home and loving my business. I wanted to give something back to the world. After much soul searching, Letters For Kids was born.

What better way can I give back to the world than providing happiness to a child. Letters For Kids provides character letters made personally for each individual child.

Imagine the look on your child’s face when he/she receives a personalized letter addressed to them in the mailbox from their favorite seasonal character like; Santa, Rudolph, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, A Friendly Ghost and more!

The memories we create now in our child’s lives are ones that will last forever. Your child's magical belief only happens once in a lifetime...start a family tradition now with these wonderfully presented Letters for Kids.

I am a Christian mother of 3 children myself and I treasure every memory I make with them!

If you do not see a character your child would love to write to or receive a letter from - EMAIL ME with details. I'd love to help make a special wish come true for any child! Your child’s wish is my enjoyment! How about a letter from Ariel, Cinderella, Dora or Spongebob?!

I can remember years ago attending a little girl's birthday party. Her theme was her beloved Princess Aeriel. She loved princess Ariel so very much. I can only imagine now what my business could have meant to her. Picture her opening gifts at her party and mom presenting her with a letter she had just gotten from the mailbox...yes, a letter from Ariel wishing her a very happy birthday. Not only that, Ariel would have gone on to mention special things about the child that would surely have lit up her face!

I can remember when my children were five and six how they loved Woody & Buzz from Toy Story. How fun it would have been to have them write a letter to either Woody or Buzz and have a personalized response come back to them in their own mailbox. I can say without a doubt, it would have not only made their day but their year!

Have your child write to their favorite character – mail me the letter and I’ll write back! Imagine their surprise and the magic of that moment!

The response I have received to "Letters For Kids" has been humbly overwhelming!

I hope to share in the magic and memory making with you and your family!

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me. I'm having a little glitch with the email on my website so for now, email me at Email Letters For Kids

God Bless!

Laurie Crafton
Letters For Kids
Email: (Note the spelling: kidz)

Stay At Home Moms Unite
for free advice, coupons, freebies,
articles and legitimate work from home opportunities.

Stay At Home Moms Unite!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Letters For Kids: Character Letter Descriptions

At Letters For Kids we have many character letters to choose from. All of which are customized for your child. In addition to the characters listed, we would be glad to customize a letter for any other of your child's favorite characters as well.

Maybe she is obsessed with Dora. Maybe he drives you nuts watching Spongebob all day long! Have Spongebob write him a letter to go along with his birthday theme! Is your little Princess obsessed with all of the princesses? Pick one and I'll customized a letter made just for her!

Letter From Santa - Make this a magical Christmas! Order this fun personalized letter from Santa and keep the magic of Christmas in your little one’s heart for years to come! Imagine the sparkle in your child’s eye as they realize Santa really knows who they are!

Letter from Frosty - This fun letter will instantly melt away the winter chill! Your little one will be
dazzled as they read along and realize that Frosty the Snowman is their special
friend! An awesome way to bring some simple fun into your busy Holiday

Letter From Rudolph - If your child is fascinated with Rudolph and his shiny nose then this letter is perfect! Your little one will delight in knowing that Rudolph took time out of his busy schedule to personally write them. As his nose glows red Rudolph must hurry off!

Be My Valentine - It’s Cupid sending a little love in your child’s direction! There’s no better way to send your child a special valentine than with a special letter from this adorable Cupid! Your child will marvel at the special details personalizing their letter.

Letter from Easter Bunny - Some say there is no such thing as the Easter Bunny. We say “Oh yes there is!” Fill your child with the innocent joys of childhood. Send them this fun letter that includes details about your child that only the Easter Bunny himself would know!

Letter from the Greatest Pumpkin - Don’t spend the night in a pumpkin field; send a child this fun letter! It is a great way to remind your child of the important safety rules of Halloween. Not too mention how delighted your child will be to know that this fun character knows them!

Letter from a “nice” Witch - This fun letter will bring a smile to your child’s face. No need to tell scary witch stories! This friendly witch will send your child a fun Halloween letter personalized just for them!

Letter from a “friendly” Ghost - Boo! Scare your little one happy with this fun letter from an ever so friendly Ghost! A personalized Halloween letter and poem will ensure your little one will twinkle with delight on this Hallows Eve!

Tooth Fairy - Is your child starting to lose those precious baby teeth? Bring to life this delightful fairy as she shares with a child an important lesson about brushing teeth and keeping their tooth tucked under the pillow. Your child will love this fun letter!

Friendship Letter/Good Job Letter - Do you want to share with a child what a pleasure they are to have for a friend? Or how proud you are of them? Let our delightful friendship characters write your child a personalized letter that will definitely bring them lots of happy giggles!

Visit Letters For Kids now.

Stay At Home Moms Unite
for free advice, coupons, freebies,
articles and legitimate work from home opportunities.

Stay At Home Moms Unite!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Real Home Based Business Opportunity for only $5.00 !!!!

Yes, you read that right. Only $5.00 !!! I had to do a lot of research before I'd back an opportunity that claimed I could start a home based business for only $5.00. I did my research and low and behold it's legit !!!

Are you ready?

Are you ready to turn away from the scams and the schemes and the promises of easy money that never seem to work out? Are you ready to stop chasing after every "biz opp" that lands in your email inbox? Are you tired of being treated like some guru's personal ATM... where he thinks he can just push your buttons and you'll give him your money? Are you ready to ignore the flashy websites with all their pictures of big houses, fancy sports cars, and piles of money?

Are you ready to turn your attention to a real business with real products and real customers who send you real money... not because you fooled them, but because you have exactly what they've been searching for?

I hope so, because if you're ready, I have great news!

What's the great news?

You're living at an amazing time in human history! For the very first time ever, you have the ability to communicate with people all over the world at virtually no cost whatsoever! Thanks to the Internet... which is still in its infancy and growing faster than any of us can possibly comprehend... you can share ideas and concepts and principles with more people easier and faster and more effectively than at any other time in history! That spells tremendous opportunity for you!

What are you doing with your opportunity?

I'd like to be able to tell you that it doesn't matter, that you can achieve your goals no matter what you're doing, but that's not true. If you're not using your time and energy to build something solid that will provide long-term benefit for yourself and for those you care about, then you're simply wasting valuable time... and squandering your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Don't let that happen to you.

Just by being alive at this particular point in history you've been given an incredible gift. The choices you make will determine whether that gift becomes a never-ending cycle of frustration and losses, or provides a life of comfort and security for you and your family.

And only you can make those choices.

What can you get for $5 bucks?

If you're not satisfied with the progress you're making toward achieving your goals, or if you're just not sure that what you've been doing is the best way for you to spend your time and you'd like to know once and for all that you're doing exactly what you should be doing to help secure a brighter future for you and your loved ones... then please accept this invitation to spend a few minutes learning why thousands and thousands of people have made the decision to seize this amazing gift they've been given and build a solid, profitable Internet-based business that will last for generations!


OnlineBusinessAlliance (OBA) is designed to provide everything that a person needs to start, operate, manage, and build a successful and profitable Internet-based business.

Everything? Yes everything.

You've got to check this out!


If this sounds like something you'd like to learn more about, then I'd encourage you to visit this website, buy the $5 ebook, and find out for yourself what it means to be an OBA Business Owner!


Laurie Crafton
Stay At Home Moms Unite

Monday, December 22, 2008


I have done some exhausting research on Pay To Click programs. First of all, if you've never heard of this, here is a brief explanation.

Websites are created known as pay to click websites. Advertisers pay you to click on their ads and view them for a set amount of time, i.e. 30 - 45 seconds, and they pay you for doing so. Don't get too excited. The payment is only from a 1/4 of a penny to 2 cents per click. Membership to these websites are FREE and it is very easy and fun for anyone to participate and make a little money.

Now to the research.....WOW AT THE AMOUNT OF SCAMMING PAID TO CLICK SITES OUT THERE!!!! IS THERE NO SHAME????? What is happening is these sites are popping up everywhere making huge promises. They get people like us excited and we join. Once we join they say "hey, for a little bit more money you too can be making more money." The greed of these sites only escalates from there. In one months time and sometimes they stay open longer, they have taken huge amounts of money from people, shut down, and they are gone! There is a lot of risk when searching for a legitimate PTC site.

As I told you in the beginning, my search has been quite a lengthy one. I think I've read everything there is to read on the web about PTC sites and the info on each one of them. (SEE ME STILL IN SHOCK OVER ALL THE SCAM SITES) For me, only one has stood out among them all. There are a couple of others that are good possibilities as well but for now let me mention Neobux.

Anytime I Googled for the best PTC site the results were always Neobux. Anytime I viewed polls requesting input on the best PTC sites it was always Neobux. When I requested info from top PTC folks, their answer was always Neobux.

Hopefully you got the picture earlier that this is NOT a get rich quick kinda thing. In fact, if you depend on just your clicks on advertisements everyday, you're probably looking at $1.00 a day. Pretty disappointing isn't it?

Here is the need someone to guide you through this. You need to know that to make some decent money, you are going to have to invest a little bit. Now you can invest a lot a bit (is that correct language?) and make even more money. Let's face it though, we're living in some rough times and money is tight.

So, to see some real money trickle in you are going to have to get referrals. What are referrals? A referral is someone who works for you. Sounds good? Keep on reading: A referral gets what every other user gets when they click ads: Money!
But, if a user that clicks ads is your referral, you get money too!

There are two types of referral and three ways of getting them:

Direct referral:
This user registered using your username as their referrer.

Rented referral:
You rented them.

So, how do you get referrals?
Here are the three ways you can do that:

Use Neobux banners:
Show banners online with a link to NeoBux with your username on that link (you can find the banners with the links in your account).
When the visitor clicks that banner,(hopefully you'll be clicking mine that is on this page!)and registers they become your direct referral. Neobux takes care of the rest for you.

Just tell everyone to register at NeoBux and to type your username on the referrer field when they do so.

You can rent referrals to work for you (this is not slavery... they win too).
Just go to your account to do so.
The quantity of referrals available will vary depending on how much users registered without a referrer. Neobux knows you don't want deadbeat no clickers so you'll only get referrals that have clicked at least 10 advertisements in the past 5 days.

Recycle your referrals:
You can recycle each referral any time you want to.
Is your referral inactive or just clicks a few advertisements per day?
No problem! For just $0.08 you can replace him with a new active referral.

Click on my banner for more information or to just check out the Neobux site. Feel free to comment with any questions you may have.

Bookmark me as I'll be following up with how this site is performing for me, earnings postings, etc.

If you join, I'd love to keep in touch and know how you are doing as well!

As mentioned earlier there was one more I am going to look into and I'll post back on that one as well.


Laurie is a Christian mother of three children. She maintains a website for Stay At Home Moms which includes free articles, advice, coupons, freebies and legitimate work from home opportunities.

Stay At Home Moms Unite

Stay At Home Moms Unite!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Home Based Business Scams

Here is how you can avoid Home Based Business Scams

  • The very first line in a Home Based Business Scams website states you can make hundreds of dollars a week working from home. Is this realistically possible? Many Home Based Business Scams site you need to avoid.

  • There is no experience needed. Which actually is a lie and can be one of many.

  • You can work just a few hours a week and still make a bundle of money. Have they given any proof in the site? Watch out this site too can be one of many Home Based Business Scams. There are lots of CAPITALIZATION’S AND!!!!!! Used.

  • You read an extremely vague ad. You haven’t a clue what the business is about, but boy, could you be making the bucks. Read through the lines and the fine print you will surely realize this is one among many sites promoting Home Based Business Scams.

  • You're asked to call 900# for more information.

  • For a fee, a company will send you a list of businesses that are looking for home workers.

  • You are forced to make a decision immediately and are made to feel stupid if you say no to their offer.

  • A friend, relative, acquaintance tells you to come to a meeting at their house. They can’t tell you what it's about until you get there.

    Questions You Should Ask If You Are Thinking About Buying A Business Opportunity

    Find out from your sponsor, in writing, what is involved with this business. Such as; Are you able to return merchandise if it doesn't sell? Is there a money back guarantee? How long have they been in business for? What is your total cost of this business opportunity? Including fees, supplies, equipment. Will you be paid on salary or commission, how often and who will pay you? Ask the program sponsor to write down every step of the business. Be informed, Avoid getting caught in Home Based Business Scams.

    What to do if you get caught in one of many Home Based Business Scams

    First you need to write to the company who was involved in Home Based Business Scams that you feel has ripped you off telling them you would like your money back. If they don’t agree with you then you need to let them know you plan to notify officials. The following people should be notified.

    If you read about this work-at-home scheme in a magazine. Let the editor know the particular company is involved in Home Based Busines Scam.

    The Attorney General's Office in your state or in the state where the bogus Home Based Business Scams Company is located.

    National Fraud Information Centre Call them if you feel you are a victim of a Home Based Business Scams. Check out their web site for daily alerts or new Home Based Business Scams. 1-800-876-7060

    Your local Consumer Protection Offices.

    Your local Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the BBB in the state of the Home Based Business Scams operator.

    Postmaster. If you received the misleading Home Based Business Scams information through the mail.

    The Federal Trade Commission. While the FTC cannot resolve individual Home Based Business Scams, the agency can take action if there is evidence of a pattern of deceptive or unfair practices. To register a complaint about any Home Based Business Scams, write to: Correspondence Branch, Federal Trade Commission, and Washington, D.C. 20580.

    How to Check A Home Based Business Scam

    Whether you have those funny feelings about the claims of a company or not, do some background research on them. Hire a lawyer. This may seem like a waste of money, but in the long run it could really save you some financial heartache of getting caught in a Home Based Business Scams .

    Call the Better Business Bureau (in the state the company resides in) to see if there have been any Home Based Business Scams complaints against the company.

    Ask the company if you can talk to any of their happy customers. Please be aware that companies can and will give you false customers to talk to. If these people sound way too happy, they too can be part of Home Based Business Scams of this bogus company .

    Stay At Home Moms Unite
    for free advice, coupons, freebies,
    articles and legitimate work from home opportunities.

    Stay At Home Moms Unite!

  • Simple Tips to Promote Your Newsletter

    By: Lara Velez

    Promoting your newsletter can seem like a daunting task. However, you can be successful if you are willing to do the work. Here are some things that I have learned along the way. I am sure that they will help get you started in the right direction...

    MAKE IT AVAILABLE TO YOUR VISITORS: Place a sign up form on the top of EVERY page of your site and/or forums. By doing this, you are making your newsletter available to every visitor of your site. It is also good for those visitors that may want to sign up, but are busy reading content, and missed the form on another page.

    MESSAGE BOARDS: Use your signature to promote! Message board sigs are a fantastic promotional tool. It's like free advertising. Every time you post, there are countless opportunities for your sig line to be read.

    BLOGS: Place a link on your blog. There are many potential subscribers out there that love to Blog. They exclusively search blogs for information.
    Make the most of your Blog, and use it to promote your business, products, and NEWSLETTER!

    Another great way to use a blog to promote your newsletter is to make comments on blogs like wordpress. The key is NOT to spam. You simply find blogs that you like to read and that will reach the type of readers you want. Then when given the option in the comments to put your "url" direct it to your newsletter sign up page!

    ONE of a KIND: There are thousands of newsletters out there in your niche.
    Make yours different. If you are a carbon copy of everyone else, why would people want to read yours? Be unique...originality goes a long way!

    WORD of MOUTH: Once you have mastered the art of originality, your subscribers will tell their friends what a great newsletter you have. You can also have top monthly referral prizes, and newsletter promotional contests to get that word of mouth going.

    FUN FACTOR: Have contests for subscribers. People love to win stuff. Be creative and keep your newsletter fun, informative, and easy to read. Ask your advertisers if they would sponsor a contest. You both win. They get free advertising and you get a great prize for your contest. This is another way to generate those "word of mouth" subscribers.

    You can even have a "Refer a Friend" contest. The person who refers the most new subscribers wins a prize.

    SWAP LINKS: Trade links with other relevant newsletters. Try to find newsletters that have the same type of readers, but are different enough topic wise for them to want to read both. Plus, it's a great way for WAHM's to support one another!

    DIRECTORIES: There are MANY directories out there, including newsletter and ezine directories. Do a search. Ask around. The point is, get your newsletter listed in as many as you can.

    I'm sure that you will see a steady increase in subscribers if you put these simple tips into practice!

    Happy Newsletter Promoting!!

    Copyright C Lara Velez

    About the Author: Lara Velez is a Christian Homeschooling WAHM of two. She is a published writer and web designer. She is also the owner of several websites, including Moms of Faith, a community of Christian Moms who love the Lord and want to all that He created them to be as Christian Mothers.

    Visit Stay At Home Moms Unite for free advice, coupons, freebies, articles and legitimate work from home opportunities.

    Stay At Home Moms Unite!

    Start A Home Internet Business

    By Bob Cortez

    The most frequently asked question I receive as an Internet home business consultant usually goes something like this; "I would really like to start my own home business on the Internet, but I don't know what." The short answer is - Start with what you know and enjoy.

    There are a number of good reasons for this:

    By drawing on existing knowledge, you can concentrate on building a business rather than learning about a new trade, product, or service.

    Starting and running a home business means long hours and sacrifice. It is easier to do when you are doing something you enjoy.

    Selling what you know and enjoy is less difficult for non-salespeople. Selling what you know and enjoy is less difficult for non-salespeople.

    The Internet offers unique opportunities for the home business netrepreneur. It creates the ability to reach a much larger potential market for your product, service, or information at a much lower price than through conventional advertising mediums.

    The Internet and World Wide Web are still in their infancy. Right now, you can get everything you need to put your business online - free. It is like someone offering you a store (web hosting), full time staff (web pages, auto responders) and advertising (lots of advertising) for free. All you have to do is come up with an idea for a product or service to put in the store.

    One of my favorite examples is my mother's home business. She builds very creative and unique birdhouses. She uses scrap lumber from a local sawmill (free) and driftwood from the local beach (free), to keep her material costs low. Another local artist provides the miniature sculptures for a percentage of the sales. She started by building and selling these for the local tourist trade in Homer Alaska, and was doing ok. But when we put them on the Internet ( sales really began to soar. Not everyone that would be interested in the birdhouses can afford to visit Homer, and we certainly couldn't afford to advertise to the world in any other way. We were able to reach this larger market by using free web hosting, design, and promotion services. Once we developed a flow of traffic, we were able to create additional income streams by selling other peoples products as well. (I'll discuss this further later in this article)

    This business model can work for just about any product that can be shipped. What unique item can you build using local materials? Do you have a craft or gift idea that is unique? How about a kit or plans for something you have built?

    Information is another type of product. What do you know or know how to do that would be of interest or value to others? You can either sell that information as a report, or a tip booklet. Or you can give the information away at your store and sell other peoples related products for a commission. The advantage here is that once you put your information in the store it is done. You don't have to keep building it and shipping it. If your not comfortable with writing your own material you can use a ghostwriter ( or have a tips booklet prepared with assistance in getting it published (

    Another home business opportunity that is unique to the Internet is based on common interests. What do you have a special interest in that others may share? Music, books, computers, cars, gardening, collectibles, etc…? The idea in this business model is to create a site with information and resources available online of interest to others. Then you select products to sell of interest to people that would be visiting your site. For instance, if you had an avid interest in a particular type of music. You could develop a site that was a resource for others with that same interest. The site could include links to artists sites, reviews of the latest releases, concert tour information, photos, sound clips, interview excerpts, a chat room, or discussion board. You become an "associate" of one of the CD distributors online and receive a commission on CD's that are sold. The distributor does the entire order fulfillment. The number and variety of companies that have an associate program online is growing daily. They cover all kinds of products and services from gifts to computers or web hosting to credit cards. For a partial list of these types of programs, send any email to

    Start with what you know, apply some imagination, and open your low cost home business online. The market is growing everyday - world wide.

    Visit Stay At Home Moms Unite for valuable free advice, articles, freebies, coupons and legitimate work from home opportunities.

    Laurie Crafton

    Stay At Home Moms Unite!

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